JS: Loose vs Strict Equality Performance (strings and numbers)
Limitation in the possibility of an enjoyment raises the value of the enjoyment. ― Sigmund Freud
Should I?..
Should I use strict equality in JS everywhere or there are some exceptions?
Maybe loose equality has better performance in some cases?
Let’s check the example with string and numbers and measure the results
Implementation: Step 1 (tools)
The only tool to use here in microseconds module (just for convenience)
Implementation: Step 2 (results)
Let’s create an array with strings [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ …]
Let’s measure the time spent on checking the equesion (strictly)
And same but loosely
Also let’s run this for 100 times to get more results for analysis
Implementation: Step 3 (analysis)
Now we have 200 results (100 strict and 100 loose). So… who is a winner? Let’s implement some additional functions for accuracy
Trim values that fall outside the selection boundaries
Calculate average
Calculate standard deviation
number of iterations: 1000000
Loose: 52872.00 +- 447.05 microseconds
Strict: 49737.85 +- 418.05 microseconds
As for me difference is not huge or important but it’s another reason to use strict equality or more correctly in this case ― no reason to use loose equality
For more info and to have possibility to check results by running scripts by yourself ― please, visit github repository.
Thanks for reading.
Feel free to comment, hope we’ll have a good discussion.
Also you are able to run this script by yourself and get own results, will be cool to compare different results